Ādisōke Spring Update

Floor-ious progress on Ādisōke If you’ve passed by the Ādisōke project site recently, there’s a good chance you witnessed a beehive of activity as the building continues to grow into the sky! The site has…

Ādisōke Winter Update

ĀDISŌKE MAIN LEVEL TAKES SHAPE Despite the snow and colder temperatures, major progress was made at the Ādisōke project site this winter. At the start of the new year, steel and concrete work to support…

Ādisōke Fall Update

SUBSTRUCTURE COMPLETE FOR ĀDISŌKE  It’s been a busy fall at the Ādisōke project site! All 150 caissons for the foundation were installed, marking a significant milestone for the project. The deepest caisson was over 17…

Ādisōke Summer Update

PROJECT TEAM CELEBRATES SETTING OF FOUNDATION Earlier this summer, the Project Team celebrated the setting of the foundation for Ādisōke at an event on the project site. To mark this special occasion, the project partners…

Foundation set for Ādisōke

At an event today, Mayor Jim Watson, the Honourable Mona Fortier, President of the Treasury Board (on behalf of the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage), Councillor Matthew Luloff, Chair of the Ottawa Public…

Ādisōke Spring Update

ĀDISŌKE AT ONTARIO LIBRARY ASSOCIATION SUPERCONFERENCE  Every year, the Ontario Library Association Superconference brings together 6,000 attendees from across the country and the continent. On February 2, we were honoured to deliver a presentation about…

Online Indigenous Engagement Survey

The Ottawa Public Library-Library and Archives Canada Joint Facility’s project team is offering a new way for Indigenous peoples in the Ottawa-Gatineau area and across Canada to provide ideas, suggestions and input into the joint…

POSTPONED -Urban Indigenous Engagement Event

Urban Indigenous Engagement Event is POSTPONED – Please note: In-person City of Ottawa and Library and Archives Canada public engagement events will be cancelled until further notice. This is based on guidance to limit mass…

Expression of Interest – Indigenous Curator

The City of Ottawa is seeking an Indigenous Curator or team of curators to develop and curate an Indigenous Art Program for the new Ottawa Public Library – Library and Archives Canada Joint Facility. This…

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